Histories Mysteries

As a 5th generation Tucsonan I have a lot of stories as well as memorabilia from my families unique history. When I was younger I didn’t quite understand how rare that title was, today I appreciate and even find myself bragging about it (I really am turning into my mom!)

My true love for antique stores really didn’t start until my late teenage years. When I was a kid my mom would drag us through the stores where we couldn’t touch anything and all I could think was, “why do we need MORE old crap?!” As I got older and my interest for design, as well as my families history grew, I really began to appreciate the “old crap” and would often make up stories in my head (and still do!) about the history behind such amazing pieces. “Who owned it?, what trials and tribulations did they suffer?, did they find true love?, was this a piece they treasured?, was it passed to them by a loved one or were they the original owner?…” The beauty and future potential of the pieces excite me just as much as the mystery behind its history.

So jumping ahead to this past weekend, I’m trying to plan for my upcoming wedding in October. I very much want my love for antiques and my family history in the southwest to shine through, therefore I’m on a hunt for vintage jars in various colors, sizes and shapes as well as antique keys. However, being a designer and with my “oh hey…squirrel!” mentality you can guess how this venture to find these two items went…. I found everything BUT wedding decor! I found cabinets galore that I envisioned turning into bathroom vanities, a vintage Knoll chair (that I’m still eyeing for my office), vintage signs that I picture in a man-cave, bar, restaurant or game room, wagon wheels in various sizes that I’d like to layer along a front entry wall, lockers that could literally be used anywhere for functionality while looking oh so cool, car seat springs that could be used as a trellis or to hang pendant lights…my little design imagination ran wild. Needless to say, if you are looking to incorporate a one of a kind or several one of a kind antique pieces into your decor, I just might be your gal! Below are some of my amazing finds from last weekend. I can’t wait to go look for jars and keys again………”oh hey….squirrel!”

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